
Showing posts from February, 2009

Demo Days

Did you ever notice how when a building or structure gets altered or removed, it seems to release the memories? It's like the walls absorbed images of the events they witnessed, and as the walls come down, memories that have been long forgotten suddenly reappear. Can you remember back thirty or so years ago? No internet - no cell phones - and two, yes only two, periodical resources for organic gardeners: Mother Earth News and Rodale's Organic Gardening magazine. At the very back of Organic Gardening, in the classifieds, was a tiny ad of just a few lines: "Four acres under glass. Being demolished. Glass for sale." An Indiana address followed. First thought: "Four ACRES under glass?" Second thought: "Being dem olished ?!" Third thought: "How can we salvage some??" Okay, those were early days on the farm. We didn't have much in the way of trucks, cash or even a phone where we lived. No MapQuest either! But somehow we contacted the gre

A Handmade Farm

I made a new friend last year and her name is Kim Bayer and she writes one of the most perceptive, wise and charming blogs in the area and she wrote a post about Frog Holler Farm last May when she visited the farm and we first really met. I never linked to the post then - got lost in the flurry that is May on the farm, I guess. The post was sucked down a cyber hole for a while, but Space Cadet Kim just retrieved it and now seems like a good time to complete the circle from Kim's blog to mine! And I'm actually going to link it this time rather than mention her blog but not provide that oh so easy linking mechanism. (Assuming that my other blogger friend Joan taught me right! More on Joan later..) In the Hoophouse Memorial post of 1/26, I feature the photo that Kim took on that first visit and mention her blog, but don't facilitate a visit! So here comes the magic link, and I will say that I like this post, not just because it is so kind to us at Frog Holler, but because Ki