Got local?
"Locavore" was chosen by the New Oxford American Dictionary as the word of the year in 2007. The narrowest definition of a locavore would be a person who seeks out locally produced food. And the most local food would be right out your back door, or in your nearby Project Grow garden!
So unleash your inner locavore and come see us at the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market for an enticing array of organically grown seedlings to get your garden off to an early start. We will be selling seedlings starting Saturday, April 10, and continue through mid-June. Sure, it's early, but Spring has been warm and many cool weather crops would be very happy to spread their leaves right now.
Home gardeners don't need a Word of the Year to acknowledge what they have known for generations. Home-grown produce is the freshest, tastiest, most nutritious and usually most cost-effective food to put on your table. A Square-Foot Garden, a Lasagna Garden, a herb garden on your window sill, a few tomatoes on your patio - no matter the size garden - they can all provide surprisingly abundant, very satisfying, and extremely local returns!
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