Lacking a herd of cattle and the accompanying natural fertilizer, we need to find ways to give back to the soil from which we extract so many luscious vegetables. Plans are afoot to harvest our pond weed and cover crops have always figured heavily into our fertility plan. But, for now, our concentrated fertilizer (or "inputs")comes to us in bags on a big truck. Distributed by Ohio Earth Food, near Akron, it's good stuff - a yummy organic blend of composted poultry manure, dried seaweed, feathermeal, and potash. Three tons of "ReVita-Pro" arrived on one of our more wintry days in February, and neighbor Tom Hines with his trusty "Bobcat" helped us unload.

A steady hand at the wheel.
But a heavy load - check out those airborne back tires!

Okay, sometimes you need a little ballast!

Our friendly truck driver gets a ride.
Unloaded and waiting to help us grow!
Your compost sounds like an interesting albeit stinky solution for fertilizer!