Pre Spring
First trays planted in the greenhouse... and so it begins.
Good friend, neighbor and writer Tom Hines describes the start of a cycle at Frog Holler he has witnessed many times.
The boys won’t say much.
They’ll build a wood fire in the green house and plant seeds. They’ll keep it warm enough over night
and water it in the day. They’ll
bring in wood to make heat in the blower stove and try to limit use of propane
fuel. They’ll bring in wood for the
boiler which warms water circulating through the thick concrete table top which
warms soil trays of planted seeds.
They won’t look at the gauges, they’ll feel the warming concrete table and
put a finger in the soil and look at the sprouting green. They’ll mix soil, maybe some well
aged compost and manure , maybe some swamp muck mixed with store-bought soil
from the Amish two states away, soil always old and new, a learning blend, rich
and lush, filled with hope and new life.
How many trays today, this week, this month? Not too many, not too few, not too soon,
not too late. The herbs, over at
the side looking throw-away disheveled begin to peek out, coming back to
life. Tomato seeds, countless
varieties, they keep track of them, saying their enchanted names each with a
blessing. And basil, they wonder,
‘Will we ever have enough’ and contemplate the fun all summer pronouncing ‘basil’ whichever way. Helpers will dribble in
over early chilly months for lots of transplanting, lots of wonderful successes,
some failures, some soil ‘too hot’ or plants ‘not happy’, an ongoing
mystery. Still the mixing,
watering, heating, identifying--
the grow of a season, unlike any other season, all new and blushing,
plants will begin crowing like young roosters, awaiting transplant to gardens
all about. As for now, ‘Yes’, the
boys think, ’It is good, let’s try it again’.
Pre-spring is the most optimistic time of the year for us. Its all about anticipation of warmth and the six months ahead.